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Updated: Sep 20, 2021


心 = 神 = Mindfulness

  • rhythmically circulation

  • another me

  • attitude & 感情

  • starting point

心是什么?  What is 心 meant for you? 

(from JULY)

- A place to connect

- The intersection point of vertical and horizontal (BMC)

- A cave to tell you the truth

How can you work with the word "心“? 

- 放心,心脏,专心,心事,静心,无心,用心,真心,开心,心灵,一心一意, 一心两用,伤心,关心,心心相印,心有灵犀,心灰意冷,无心插柳

- 感情,意念,思念,必须,忘记,忠诚,愿望,想念,恋爱

感 - 咸(salty) 记 - the story we tell is about our memory


- What's story you want to tell?

- The story you tell yourself become true.

- Feel the weight of the phone

- Everyone phone has their own personality

- Another being as a live - everything

Task 1:

Feel the weight of your phone

Feel your partner

Aware of your another screen


- 之前与电话互动时,真的觉这个partner很fragile, 很多时候会有战战兢兢的感觉,一直会把它影响,找不到 space in-between。我自己会 relate当时的状况,有很多事要处理!

- 跟之前比较,头脑清空了许多,少了那种负担,有更多的性质,以及更加连接。

- 这个partner 不再是我自己的想象的那么的脆弱,而且很好玩!

- 可以与它比较连接,有时会是它带领我,有时我会challenge它。

- 之前自己会逃避“看”它,所以现在我会故意与它的视线连接

- 比较有觉知的去探索我们两个之间空间,偶尔我会注视到screen 里面的我们,去scan 我们两个人进进出出,看到的是我还是不我








BODY SCAN Exercise 

- body scan without story - how to be present in the body - just focus on sensation not emotion

- sharing "NOW" - practicing not to tell the story, so we can be more present

- if you want to tell, you have the choice to see if you want to attach it ot not


- 我们的意识很多时候是在 crown

- 当我 scan的时候,从头到某个stuck的点,我又会回到crown,所以当时只是到腰部。

- 整个感觉是upper body很重/melting/很有gravity, 而lower body part 比较漂/轻

- 分享的时候,在找balancing in between upper and lower, more grounded

- 当 scan 眼珠时感觉它在里面滚动.


- Creating a tempo in your film - recording the movement in a different way

- Try to find the relationship in between two partners -

- focus on the weight

- see what's the camera see

- imagine the camera is touching your camera

- like a real partner



- 有时我们是一起探索,一起看

- 有时时它看我、抚摸,触动我

- 之前没有太 care partner 看到的世界,之后开始觉知的的时候,“我们”会一起决定要看的速度,比较肯定这个 capture.

- 到底你看到的是什么?是看到的是跟我的一样吗?

- 看了video 之后,很奇妙的感觉是我自己的没有在动


- Every day what's sort of sensation you notice - while walking, or other activities, scan your body

- What's things you feel; is it a present, future, past

- How you see the world? How you sense the world?

- Give yourself a theme - what's sort of story/memory/sensation

MY 心 Words


- 都有心的两个

- 需要双心才能convey 的emotion


- Word meaning soul

- 旁边是有个火,心脏的energy是 🔥

- 因为心要有他的element 才能找到你的soul


- 从心,从𦥓(囟)。
- “怀念,想望”、“悲伤,哀愁”、“心情,思绪,意念”、“创作的构想”等

念 - 从心。今声。= SATI = "mindfulness, memory"= RECOLLECTION

今 - 现在,NOW

心- Heart

- 现在用心 - composed of jin "now; this" and xin "heart; mind".

念 ( Chinese)

- "study; read aloud; think of; remember; remind"Buddhist Scholar

- "reflect, think; to study, learn by heart, remember; recite, read – to have 今 present to 心 the mind" Bernhard Karlgren

- "Recollection, memory; to think on, reflect; repeat, intone; a thought; a moment."A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms

- The Digital Dictionary of Buddhism gives more detailed translations of nian "mindfulness, memory":

  • Recollection (Skt. smṛti; Tib. dran pa). To recall, remember. That which is remembered. The function of remembering. The operation of the mind of not forgetting an object. Awareness, concentration. Mindfulness of the Buddha, as in Pure Land practice. In Abhidharma-kośa theory, one of the ten omnipresent factors 大地法. In Yogâcāra, one of the five 'object-dependent' mental factors 五別境;

  • Settled recollection; (Skt. sthāpana; Tib. gnas pa). To ascertain one's thoughts;

  • To think within one's mind (without expressing in speech). To contemplate; meditative wisdom;

  • Mind, consciousness;

  • A thought; a thought-moment; an instant of thought. (Skt. kṣana);

  • Patience, forbearance.[16]

Sati (Pali)

- "Right Mindfulness; the active, watchful mind"

- "literally 'memory' but is used with reference to the constantly repeated phrase 'mindful and thoughtful' (sato sampajâno); and means that activity of mind and constant presence of mind which is one of the duties most frequently inculcated on the good Buddhist" Thomas William Rhys Davids

Smṛti. (Sanskrit)

yeom or yŏm 염 (Korean)

ネン or nen (Japanese)

niệm. (Vietnamese)



1. How the BODY Sensation with the basket?

i) Touch the basket (5min) write (5min)

ii) Improve with the basket (5min) and write (5min)

  • I observed my body.....

2. Go and walk for 10-15min and write anything what your body feel.


- PERFORMATIVITY - uncle doing after for a long time, your body train in certain way - 人家把动作放在你的身上

- PLACE - you have an emotion to invest - emotional investment

- Memories, Generation, Technology - How your body feel in the kopitiam/place/memory?

  • why the generation gap meant to you?

- Interaction in between family, relationship, sound

  • Dialogue/Interview

  • Sound is very interesting can listen back -

  • How you language yourself to create a connection? (你跟孩子讲话会用的语调、氛围、方式去传递你要讲的)

  • Interaction and not narration

  • Repetition

  • Why you want to record? - Li

- Why I am doing research?

  • Mindmap, Keyword, 倒三角

  • Why is it important for you to do?



Taste - beside Food also how you use the words to describe

- sweet memories, 吃得苦中苦,要能吃苦, 身体很酸,辣妹,甜头,咸湿

- come back to body sensation

心 - record a slice of your life

- What's you interesting

- In art you can bring another you

- Shoot your family like wild animals

- Which part of secret garden she want to share?

- 1 min of stream consciousness

- how many time you shoot?

MoA & MoA 2 - the film is the space in between - or what is that?


1. Explore taste in the body

* Dark side is it the 苦in your body

- How the taste related to your body & memories

- How these 5 taste relate to your body parts

2. Walk 5 min and shoot/write

3. Imagine the basket as the landscape - shoot the basket as 地/scenery - how you touch the basket with camera

- what's the contrast -



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