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  • Writer's pictureChi Ying

Dancing in the midnight-CM2021

I missed the first day of CM (16 oct) due to a performance shooting, to be honest before the marathon I don't really have time to 'get ready' for this, I was so busy and same as Paik Yin i can't multitasking too hahahaha. So i put all my attention on the performance and only have tiny teensy time for the marathon was on 17th oct 12am. After I went home from recording it was almost 12am, i bathed then feel like wants to try out the gathertown app. So i log into the app and created my character, and yes i saw everyone in the 'theater', then baru I feel like yes I'm in this.

Here to summarize my experience and feelings for this marathon.

I like to remember names and people when I joined something meaningful. so here's the lists :

Peter, Maxine, Charmaine, Jessie, Jessica, Lo, Lynx, Saschar, smokebush,Takako, Akiko,Nathan, Emilie,Ava, Monica,Javon, Claudia, Roges, Sukruti, Emmanuel, Harshal...then we have us from Malaysia, Beh Chin, Anna, Xiao Xuen and me.

透视眼exercise by Maxine

Maxine asked us to close our eyes and find the focus on ourselves, pay attention to you as the center; then open our eyes and look at everyone, surrounding but this time you are not the center of the universe, you are at the edge of the universe.

When I'm the center: I feel certain, determined, firm, real, and solid. it feels very easy for me to put focus on myself.

When I'm at the edge of the universe/not the center: i feel surreal, uncertain, need to use extra imagination or i dono what to makesure myself not the center. but the beauty is, i can see more, i feel my view is bigger and wider, like i can see and feel so many things in front of me or surround me.世界一下子变得很大的感觉,可能是因为我在边缘,所以我眼前的东西变多了,心态也变广了。 When I'm the center, 我就是一个球体,我的前后左右上下360度都i有东西围绕着我,但我可能支队眼前或者身体前旁边的东西关注比较多,后面好像比较难看到或Sense到。


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