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Task on "S O I L" by Paik Yin—MAPFest

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Welcome to share your process here so that everyone can see;)))

You can create your on LAND/TERRITORY on your sharing hehe


My plan for this task:

  1. Imagination 纯粹头脑想象/without reality 的第一印象

  2. Touch 触觉/感觉

  3. 嗅觉

  4. 听觉

  5. 视觉


1. First impression and idea on SOIL(mind)

  • 泥土/土壤

  • 是让生物生长,生根发芽的养分和‘家’

  • 养分:就是‘滋养’大家,nurture...植物想要向着太阳长,就更需要把根往黑暗的泥土里扎稳...

  • 黑色的、dark brown、不是大众喜欢的颜色(at least not me)

  • 成团的、总是一堆一堆、不会孤立的、是‘一起’的

  • 给我的感觉象征着:诚实、低调、默默付出的性格;却也给人带来希望和refreshing的感觉...

  • 我这样去想象的话,泥土应该是黏黏的,湿湿的,当然也脏脏的(明天去证实一下嘻嘻


2. 触觉 & 视觉

  • 妈咪喜欢种花,所以我家有很多泥土,但大部分泥土应该是肥料(means not pure soil)

  • 我发现在一片土地中,有很多不同颜色的泥土,它们相互交融(也有没有交融的)但是就是可以一起住在一片地里哈哈哈

  • 里面有一堆是黄色一点的,有一堆是超级黑的,有些很综合,我把它叫:土色哈哈哈



不同颜色的泥土 用手指按压泥土这些东西就黏在我手指上

这个摸起来真的有像bb >.<

From these images and exploration of touching the soillllll...

我觉得泥土是一个很有包容性的东西,它可以accept different quality的泥土(硬的、软的、不同颜色的...)住在一起。然后不管你撒下什么种子,它都能让他成长,当然这其中也有第三和第四者的帮助(阳光,水分,人的劳动等等)。除了种子,它还能吸纳其他非种子的东西,好像一些金闪闪的unknown material,虽然不会帮助让种子成长但是怎么说呢,泥土没有排斥它就好使让他们依赖它,粘着它...好像这个世界,有好人坏人形形色色的人,但是地球和土地从来不会选择你或者排斥你,它还是让你生存于它之中,选择破坏或爱护它的是人类...什么时候我们反客为主了呢?说到这里有点那种爱护环境的Activist的感觉...我不敢说这些话因为我自己本身也没有秉持一些爱护地球的好品德好行为,只是潜意识里知道我们应该爱它。不知道为什么会延伸到这里,但是我想是一个好的反思,反思自己对环境和地球甚至泥土做过/没做的事情...


嗅觉 & 听觉

- 远远闻的话就会觉得有阵阵清香,尤其after rain,土地都很潮湿,闻起来就是有refreshing的感觉;但是靠近闻(尤其是一块一块闻)的话就会觉得很浊(like mixture of everything and it smells muddy/impure)

- 一点点给pressure press下去可以听到细细碎碎的声音,很小声,almost like whispering!


- 土地很重要,因为它是万物生长的根(root),万物仰赖的家(home)

- 只要它健康,长出来的东西也是健康的;前因后果的关系

- 是一种希望的存在,因为人们喜欢泥土是因为它能为大家带来什么

- 例如:长出农作物、很美的花朵....

- 所以可以说人们欣赏它,重视它,爱护它因为他们知道它会回应这份爱 soil will react to their love

VALEN (●'◡'●) aka 盗土贼

Thank you chiying👑 for opening this post for us!

Since I do not own any soils at home, I decided to steal some from the public-

/ With a one-sided glove and 2 zipper bags, I managed to get a very small size of 2-3 types of soil samples (with a big mixture of impurities)

One is from a pot, another two are from the ground that's why I'm not sure are they the same type of soil or not hh.

From my imagination aka the previous encounters with soils, soils are supposed to:-

  1. feel soft

  2. be moist

  3. easy to mold and grab, just like a clay

Since I have to bring some of the soil samples home, My first interaction with them was digging them out with my 4 of my fingers. The first thing I felt was that,

It was so hard to dig them up that I actually have to apply some forces to break them apart from the other soils, and that's why I can only manage to get this little of them. Moreover, I was really afraid that I was gonna dig out some insects' homes and bring them to my own home, but it is so hard to remove the others apart from the soil, so I just give it a go and bring everything I grabbed home.

After getting home, I tried to feel the soil with my hand without the glove. I found that:

  1. The soil particles are very very small, as compared to sand, and much more refined than it too.

  2. It makes my body felt very dirty, I have the strong urge to wash my hand immediately.

  3. It mixed up with so many kinds of stuff and sometimes I might be touching with a small stone instead of soil.

  4. I thought I could tell the sand apart by putting them into one bag, but in the end, the 3 samples mixed up together and it looks like 1 type of soil.

Extension Thoughts

  • The teamwork and bonding between the soil particles are no joke, they might look tiny in one or two, but when they are in a pile, they became giant in one.


What is soil?







@12/10/2021 – TASK 4

• 把编舞拆成2组

• 加入自己的土壤元素(虫、洞、泥土的texture)

• 玩脚趾头

• Combo太整齐

• 服装:gray?orange?

土壤元素包含:童年回忆,小时候掀起花盆发现的虫子(蚯蚓)钻的小洞 和 雨天泥巴的质感(上层和下层的质感)

Bee Hui


1. Imagination

- 黑黑的

- 坚固的

- 有点肮脏的

2. 触觉

- 没下雨之前,干干的,摸到沙粒和小石头

- 下雨之后,湿湿的,黏黏的

3. 嗅觉

- 草的味道

4. 听觉

- 干的时候:脚踏声是“哒哒”

- 湿的时候:脚踏声是”吓吓“

5. 视觉

- 巧克力色、黄色、黑色

- 干的时候:有沙粒和小石头

- 湿的时候:全部都是结合在一起,黑黑的,分不清


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