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Biscuit Baker - Combo 1

Updated: Jun 28, 2023


- At first, I thought was a white space ( but when I open it on the laptop it is yellow.)

-The yellow looks like white colour which is blank: and usually heaven is white in colour, pure.

  • What's kind of dynamic it is? - Elaborate on the dynamics. - "PURE", "Heaven" Pure and heaven: flowy, airy

- The Zig Zags with the overall combination of colours of blue and red reminds me of the iconic lighting bolt drawing on David Bowie's face.

  • which one


- inspired by 一天一小步, half step is smaller than a full step.

  • Q: In the drawing which part is showing this?


- There is a big contrast between the light yellow colour and the colours below the "heaven" that looks a bit dirty.

-The colour also did not colour it properly.

  • Contrast - heavy and messy

inspired by the zig zag: quick turn at the corner. or, switch to another direction or level after one beat/step.

  • Combo 1 with speed

  1. Purple (Elbow) - Crawl

  2. Red (Hand) - Crawl

  3. Light Blue (Fingers) - Crawl

Ang: I added the purple (elbow ) in between the original combo 1 with speed. I followed the zig zag upside down where I started with small elbow movements then a bigger elbow movement. Then I reverse the movements. After that, I continue hand crawling movements (red) and ended in a palm to palm position. That palm to palm position is imagining I'm holding the Tau Sar Piah. Then both fingers crawling from both hands to my shoulder.

Valen: 🐧

Since a lot of my hands, fingers and elbow movements are kind of conflicting with the element given " Crawling", I went to look through some crawling videos for babies to learn in order to observe and catch some of the details that eventually develop into the action "crawling".

From the observation, I found that :

  1. When the right side move forward, the left side will move backward, and vice versa. (it is an opposite balance)

  2. When a person is crawling, it has a goal or destination to reach, same to running or walking, whereas in the case, the trainer/parents will put some toys at a desired destination, then the baby has to crawl to reach it.

Hence, I included a lot of opposite actions and forward and backward motions into my movements for Combo 1 + Speed to avoid the conflicting problem at the same time achieving the crawling action. (Done)

Links for the videos:

GG: ( 4/6/2021)

For each body part, I assigned a position for it.

I started with RED ZIGZAG. The position that I assigned for it is either waitress or the boss of Tau Sar Piah shop. They are the people between the biscuits and the buyers, as in our HANDS are our medium to complete our daily life tasks. Waitress or boss uses their hands to arrange the biscuits, to clean the shop, to handle the money machine and to attend the customers with enthusiasm.

Secondly, it was the LIGHT BLUE ZIGZAG. The position that I assigned for it is the customers. The reason that light blue zigzag is chosen for them is because I feel that the light-ish represents the customers’ financial status. Customers would be those with proper income and less burden in term of expenses. Therefore, the FINGERS are used for this part, as in they use their fingers to take out the money from the wallet. At the same time, there was a part where my fingers were crossing each other and it turned into a big-mouth-like kind of shape, this part represents the customers eat the biscuits.

Then, it was the PURPLE ZIGZAG, which I assigned it for the biscuits bakers who work in the baking area. I chose purple colour for them based on the mood that this colour gave me. This colour made me feel heavy-hearted. I felt that the workers are working in the place that is hot and covered with dirt. I linked this image to the soldiers where the soldiers used to crawl on the floor with their ARMS to avoid being seen by the enemy in order to save their lives from the attacks. It looked tough. Just as the same way I felt about the bakers. I felt the bakers are crawling across the difficulties to make sure the biscuits are baked correctly, for instance the taste and the appearance of the biscuits. This is to make sure the customers are served with same quality of biscuits. Despite the fact that manufacturing businesses are getting harder to stay afloat due to the fast living pace. With high-tech machine, it can easily produce higher quantity of biscuits compare to human’s force. By hook or by crooks, bakers have to keep doing their best and maintain the authenticity of the biscuits to make sure they are still customers' first choice. (Done)

Yieng Zhu (Alice):

Combo 1 with speed explore with hand crawl, finger crawl and elbow crawl

Hand Crawl is (Red) – Red zigzag made me feels uncomfortable as I connect it with violence is bloody. I developed my movement with the concept of

Finger Crawl (Blue) – Blue zigzag is like a mirror. I connect my movement with reflection.

Elbow Crawl (Purple) – Purple zigzag is like a monster with only body. The first edge reminds me of the monster head that exist in the “Gameboy” I used to play when I was young. I connect my movement with the monster walking everywhere, to the left, to the right and so on. (Done)

- Thick and thin; straight and curve; imperfect and inconsistence lines.

  • Point out the zone

- Thick - Valen 1 - (Chest, Slide) - The Thickest line with irregular surface area

Valen: Valen 1 + Chest Slide+ Thick line

A thick line to me is bolder, heavier, and not easy to break as compared to a thin line. Therefore, I added a sense of connectivity between the chest sliding and the movements do not has a break in between. (Done)

(chest , slide)+ combo 1:

Ang: I change my combo 1 a little but using the rules, as the rules is to slide and using chest. So I use my chest to slide side to side as the "yellow rectangle shape" is in a straight or verticle way. And also at the very end I slide down after I hit my own tights. (Done)

- Thin - Combo 1 with speed - (Elbow; Crawl) - The thinnest line that broke easily

Yieng Zhu:

Combo 1 with Speed and Elbow Crawl explored with Thin

Think about thin like the thickness of A4 paper. Imagining the line is as thin as A4 size paper that can break easily, but when they are many of line form together, it is not easy to be break as it is not alone. Link and explore thin with the idea of an alone bridge that is empty. Thus, the movement is soft and light, the feeling of loneliness (Done)

Valen: Combo 1 with speed + Finger Crawling +(Hand Crawling+ Straight line)+( Elbow Crawling + Thin Line )

A thin line to me is lighter, and it is easier to break as compared to a thick line.

Therefore, I made the elbows crawl in very lightweight and it is very careful and cautious to crawl on in order not to let the thin line break. (done)

- Straight - Combo1 with speed - (Hand; Crawl)

GG: (11/6/2021)

Movements are re-constructed based on the #edges -zig zag (worked from 4/6/2021). My hands crawling have added a new layer which is “straight”.

Today's task, I have my hands crawling straight line upward, and then it up-ness is being dragged down vertically by the thumbs. This also represents their business were going really fine in few years back. As time goes by, their business is being dragged down by the fact that people have less interested to buy this biscuits anymore in this generation. (Done)

Yieng Zhu:

Combo 1 with Speed and Hand Crawl explore with Straight Line

- Continue develop from previous idea of crawling about 主動性的. I add on straight line to my pathway (Done)

Valen: Combo 1 with speed's Hand Crawling + Straight line

For this exploration, I added a "V"shape straight line for the hand to crawl on. After that the hand goes walks thru a horizontal line to go back to the original position to continue the latter part. (Done)

- Curve - Ang - (Hip; Roll)

- Imperfect & Inconsistence - YZ & Combo 1 original - (Hip, Turn)

Yieng Zhu:

Big Combo 1 (Yieng Zhu) explored with Imperfect and Inconsistence

- imperfect= Human are born to be imperfect. Thus, element of scar is added to symbolize the imperfect. Scar have inconsistence side line to form a complete scar. Scar comes in different size and shape (Inconsistence) that represent different experience faced. (Done)

combo 1 original + (hip , turn):

Ang: I imagine myself as the door and turn using my hip (hip is leading), as GG mention before we are the worker in the Tau sha paih store. So, after I turn (door open because there is a customer coming in) I sit down and continue working. (continue my combo 1) (Done)

Yieng Zhu:

Combo 1 with original explored with Hip+Turn

- Explore with the movement of arms from combo 1 original using hip to follow the pathway of arms. (Done)

Valen: Combo 1 original + Hip Turn

From the drawing, the places where is chosen to be "combo 1 original" are circles and semi-circles. Therefore, I added a circular/curve motion/path for the hip to turn. Moreover, the word "hip turn" is also a movement while playing with golf, and therefore on the 3rd part of this combo, I tried to imitate the movement from it to this stage. (Done)

- Triangle, rectangle, circle, semicircle and irregular polygon.

  • Blue tick = selected shape

-Triangle (Kick) = Purple (Elbow) - (??)


- Rectangle (Slide) = yellow (Chest) - Combo 1 with element & Valen 1

Valen: Valen 1 + Chest slide

The yellow part of the of the drawing reminds me of sand, and to think about "sliding" with "sand", I discovered about surding sand in which I have to keep low & try to balance while "surfing" (Done)

Valen: Combo 1 with element+ Chest slide

Other than sand, the yellowish part actually resembles old paper more to me. So with this concept in mind, I come to think of all my movements of “沉下来” as

a piece of very old machinery that cannot run smoothly. In the end, the machinery broke and cannot function anymore and the concept is just right to fit the concept I developed with my combo 1 with element" earlier, which is "busy'. (Done)

GG: (Combo 1 with element - 11/6/2021)

Movements are created based on the relationship of father and son. Sometimes they have a little quarrel. But this does not stop ones to care or concern the other. The motive of the Chest + Slide is to show the that both counterparts have their own views. Therefore when one side is talking, s/he wishes everyone will choose her/his side. (Done)

Yieng Zhu:

Combo 1 with Element (hao chi) explored with Chest+Slide

- Thinking about sliding in the playground that it is easy to slide down but hard to go up. I apply this concept to my chest where it move left, right, up, down, slant...(Done)

- Circle (Turn) = red (Hand) - GG

GG: (大组动作+一天一小步 - 11/6/2021)

From the drawing, Red Circle represent the boss of the biscuit shop. Therefore, I sit down like a boss. The context that I assigned here is that I was counting the money (hands movements) at the same time I was relaxing (swaying legs). (Done)

- semicircle (Roll) = Emerald Green (Hip) - Ang


I draw a semi-circle suing my hip before "dropping" to show there are differences between small and big semi-circle. Then I bend over to draw three semi circle with my hip because there are three semi circle in the pictures. after that I continue my movements using combo 1 (big group) movements. (Done)

- Irregular polygon (Slide) = sky blue (Fingers) - Valen 1

Yieng Zhu:

Big Combo 1 (Valen 1) explored with Fingers+Slide

- Added the quality of slide in the movement by imagining food slide away from the chopstick Such as fish ball slide away from chopstick. (Done)

- In certain angle, the picture look like a place with a ground underneath, where you can step on it. (view in portrait like above picture in #shape)

  • It gives the feeling of stepping on the road especially the semi circle coloured with black seemed highway connecting to different buildings in pyramid

- Black Semicircle - Leg, Roll

- Lines are messy and free, with overlapping marker inks (Draw like a kid even though the artist is already an adult)

  • Free - YZ

Yieng Zhu:

Big Combo 1 (Yieng Zhu) explored with Imperfect and Inconsistence explored with Free

What is free ? No restriction, valuable, extra precious, inner side, no burden, carefree…

Free is precious. Because when something is free, it does not mean that it is cheap, we should take care of it before it is gone and before we feel regret, that’s why it is precious…

Explore free with the idea of precious (pat)—which is an action onto previous developed movement. (Done)

  • Combo 1 original - Hip Turn + Free

Yieng Zhu:

Combo 1 with original explored with Hip+Turn explored with hip turn(roll)

--Roll like a roller (wooden stick roll on the roll with one direction only and something it lose it direction because of surrounding which cause it to be uncontrolled).

Explored roll with single direction and sometime it will go away from the actual pathway onto hip turn movement. (Done)

  • Messy - Combo 1 original + Ang - Hip Roll

Yieng Zhu:

Combo 1 with original explored with Hip+Turn explored hip roll(messy)

--Anything can be messy; the messy state is different depending on the standard of messiness. The pathway of Roller become messy when surrounding have too much impact on it like passerby kick the roller when it is rolling toward a direction. It causes the roller to become “messy” from actual direction.

Explored hip roll and messy with multiple direction develop from previous hip turn movement. (Done)

Valen: Combo 1 original + (Hip turn + free) + (Hip roll + messy)

Free and messy would always remind me of a kid's heart.

Under hip turn, "free" is added and the "free" I implied is when there's already an end and I couldn't move on, in this case, which I stuck to the end chair-back. Hence, I "free" myself from it and continue my "turn". For the hip rolling part, a lot of time I would use the force/momentum from my hip and perform the roll, and sometimes it affects the legs or the whole body to move together. Then, "messy" is added to it which I interpreted as a "messy" route for my hip to roll on. (Done)

  • Overlapping


- "Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. "from (

- The drawing uses blue, violet and red which are next to each other in the colour wheel.

- There is a plain area contrasted with other area that filled with different colors.

Colour - Body Part

Pink- head

Red - hand

Light blue- fingers

Yellow - chest

Black - leg

Emerald green- hip

Purple- elbow

Shape - Action

1. Circle : Turn

2. Semicircle : Roll

3. Zig Zag : Crawl

4. Triangle: Kick

5. Quadrilateral : Slide

6. Trapezium : Jump

Zone circle:

Combo 1 original - Which circle (including semi-circle???)

GG: Including semi-circle

Zone zigzag:

Combo 1 with speed

Zone rectangle:

Combo 1 with element


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